
You asked

Please supply the following information:

  • The names of the unions which are signatories to your main collective agreement covering pay and conditions;

  • The number of employees covered by the agreement;

  • A list of pay grades and current pay rates. Please indicate any agreed equivalence between the grade names used within the list and the following civil service grades:

    • Administrative Assistant (AA)
    • Administrative Officer (AO)
    • Executive Officer (EO)
    • Senior Executive Officer (SEO)
    • Grade 7
    • Grade 6
  • A copy of your latest pay settlement. Please provide the following information on how any pay increase has been applied:

    • Is the paybill increase based on pay guidance set by the Treasury?
    • Have there been any changes to the pay scales?
    • Are performance-related bonuses being paid? If so, what are the arrangements for performance-related bonuses?

We said

Thank you for your request.

The names of the unions which are signatories to the main collective agreement covering pay and conditions are FDA, PCS and Prospect.

There were 5,524 employees covered by the agreement as of 1 Sept 2021. This agreement covers delegated grades (Administrative Officer to Grade 6) and excludes Senior Civil Servants (SCS), whose arrangements are set by the Cabinet Office.

For a list of pay grades and current pay rates, please reference to Annex A in attached document.

The paybill increase is based on pay guidance set by the Treasury.

There are no performance related bonuses being paid to delegated grades, however the Authority operates an in-year recognition scheme to enable all eligible colleagues to recognise each other for the delivery of great pieces of work and acknowledge positive behaviours.