You asked

Please could you provide the following information:

The UK population broken down by location (as localised as possible), then age, then income level in Great British Pounds (GBP).

Home ownership in the UK broken down into location, then property value, then age of homeowner.

Households by area (as localised as possible), then gross disposable income in £10,000 bands.

We said

Thank you for your request for data on income and homeownership by age and location.

Unfortunately, for all three requests, we don’t hold the exact information that you require.

Whilst we do not hold the requested information, we do publish some statistics which may be of interest to you. Our Small Area Model-Based Income Estimates provide measures of average household income at the middle layer super output area (MSOA) level in England and Wales. They are calculated using a model-based method using a combination of survey data from DWP’s Family Resources Survey and previously published data from the 2011 Census and a number of administrative data sources. It is possible to aggregate these data to higher geographical levels if desired. The latest data, covering 2015/2016, is available here:

In addition, we published a research output which shows the number of proportion of owner-occupied dwellings by local authority which you may find useful. This is published here:

Both links contain contact details for the responsible statisticians should you require any further information on either source.