You asked

I would like to kindly ask you to send me the following information:

  • Immigration of Indian nationals to the UK since 1960 per decade and since 2000 per year until the most recent information that is available. There is some information available in a previous request but only until 2000 (ref no. 005678).

  • I am particularly interested in the share of high-skilled migrants and international students from India to the UK. For high-skilled migrants that would mean under the WPS and the HSMP before the introduction of the PBS and particularly the Tier 2 category after 2008.

  • If possible, a division of Indian high-skilled nationals working in the UK into different labour market sectors.

  • Emigration of Indian nationals from the UK to Germany (or, if this information is not available in a disaggregated form, emigration of Indian nationals to other EU countries), if possible from 2000 until now.

We said

Thank you for contacting the Office for National Statistics.

Your questions were:

  1. Immigration of Indian nationals to the UK since 1960 per decade and since 2000 per year until the most recent information that is available. There is some information available in a previous request but only until 2000 (ref no. 005678)

  2. I am particularly interested in the share of high-skilled migrants and international students from India to the UK. For high-skilled migrants that would mean under the WPS and the HSMP before the introduction of the PBS and particularly the Tier 2 category after 2008

  3. If possible, a division of Indian high-skilled nationals working in the UK into different labour market sectors.

  4. Emigration of Indian nationals from the UK to Germany (or, if this information is not available in a disaggregated form, emigration of Indian nationals to other EU countries), if possible from 2000 until now.

I have addressed each of your questions and comments below:

  1. Immigration of Indian nationals to the UK by main reason for migration from 2000 onwards can be found on our 4.02 Underlying datasheets. These can be found on

    Data for 1975 to 1999 can be found in a recent ad-hoc table accessible through:

    Please note that there is no data available prior to 1975.

  2. Estimates for the number of Indian nationals immigrating to the UK for work related reasons and formal study are also available on the 4.02 Underlying datasheets. However, ONS do not collect data on the qualifications held by migrants. Tier 2 visa data is collected by the Home office, for further information on visa data, please contact

  3. The information you have requested can be obtained from the customer services team of ONS Social Survey division. Special extracts and tabulations of Labour Force Survey (LFS) and Annual Population Survey (APS) data are available to order (subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreements of costs, where appropriate).

    As this information is already available to you via this route ONS considers that S21(1) applies to this request and the information does not have to be supplied under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act. S21(1) is an absolute exemption and no consideration of the public interest test needs to be applied.

    UK Data Service

    If you are able to do your own cross-tabulations you could purchase an anonymised Labour Force Survey (LFS) and Annual Population Survey (APS) datasets from the UK Data Service. Details on costs and how to download the data can be found on their website:

    Advice for commercial users - Charges -

    Bespoke Commissioned Tables Service:-

    If you would like to enquire about our service then please contact

    Information regarding our service can be found here -

    Information about our charges can be found here -

  4. As above, under the terms of S21(1), ONS are able to produce an ad-hoc tabulation for the emigration of Indian citizens with Germany as the country of next residence from 2000 onwards.

Please contact the Migration Statistics Unit at if you are interested in this service. Information regarding our ad-hoc table services and charges can be found through the links presented in 3.