You asked

Could you provide the number of immigrants in the United Kingdom who were over the age of 60 for women and 65 for men, from 2006 to 2018?

We said

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request regarding the number of immigrants into the United Kingdom from 2006 to 2018, specifically females aged 60 and over, and males aged 65 and over.

We publish Long-Term International Migration (LTIM) estimates of the number of people who migrated into and out of the UK for a year or more, by sex and age. LTIM estimates incorporate data from the International Passenger Survey (IPS), which is a sample survey where the resultant figures are grossed up by weighting factors dependent on route and time of year. The figures produced are therefore estimates, not exact counts. In addition to the IPS, adjustments are made using Home Office data and migration flows data for the Republic of Ireland (1991 to 2007) and Northern Ireland (2008 onwards), along with adjustments for passengers whose intentions changed with respect to their length of stay. This produces our LTIM data, the most inclusive estimate of long-term international migration (which is international migration as defined by the UN as changing country of usual residence for one year or more).

We hold published LTIM data by sex and age for 2006 to 2017 within the following links:

Table 2.07: LTIM Age and Sex

Please note these data for 2018 will be available 28 November 2019. When accessing any of our files, please read the notes, terms and conditions contained within them.

If you require anything further, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at