You asked

I would like to request the following information if possible please:

  1. How many offences/convictions for violence against the person involved the perpetrator taking/distributing images of the crime?

  2. How many offences/convictions for sexual offences involved the perpetrator taking/distributing images of the crime?

We said

Thank you for your request relating to the taking and distributing images of crime.

Unfortunately, we are not able to provide you with the data you have requested.

Some of the data you require will fall under the offence category of ‘Obscene publications, etc and protected sexual material’, of which there were 22,906 offences in the year ending March 2018. See Appendix Table A4 of our latest ‘Crime in England and Wales’ release for the number of crimes relating to this offence for other years. However, we are unable to disaggregate this offence further. See the Home Office Counting Rules for a breakdown of offences which make up this category.

If you have any further questions please email us at and we will endeavour to help.