You asked

​A report appeared in today’s copy of the Daily Telegraph reporting that data from the Office for National Statistics had reported that 96% of people wear a face mask out of doors.

Please explain how you obtained such data.

We said

​Thank you for your freedom of information request.

We publish weekly data looking at the Coronavirus and the social impacts on Great Britain. This data is based on a nationally representative survey of adults in Great Britain, with information collected using an online self-completion questionnaire. As part of this survey, adults are asked "In the past seven days, have you used a face covering when outside your home to help slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19)?".

Results covering the period 29 July to 2 August 2020 found in the past seven days, 96% of adults who had left their homes said they had worn a face covering to slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). This includes adults wearing a face mask at any time in the last seven days and could include those who have worn a face covering a limited number of times and in a limited number of settings.

Our results covering the period 29 July to 2 August 2020 were based on information collected from 1,235 adults in Great Britain. Further information on the survey, which is repeated on a weekly basis, can be found via the following link: