You asked

The number of hospital admissions (as a total and percentage) testing positive for Covid-19 who have received a) flu vaccination during 2020 and b) Covid vaccination.

The number of deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate (as a total and percentage) who have received a) flu vaccination during 2020 and b) Covid vaccination.

We said

​Thank you for your request.

The data we hold on COVID-19 hospitalisation in the following article, COVID-19 weekly insights: Latest health indicators in England, are data that we receive from Public Health England (PHE). We do not hold raw data for hospitalisation and therefore do not hold the information you have requested.

We are responsible for the production of mortality statistics using information derived from the death certificate. Vaccinations are not recorded when a death is certified. Therefore, we do not hold this information.

Public Health England or NHS Digital may be better placed to assist with your query. They can be contacted via email at and respectively.