FOI REF: FOI-2023-1328

You asked

Could I please have a yearly breakdown of the number of homicides/manslaughters by the following methods: Firearms, Sharp Objects, Blunt Objects, Hitting/Kicking, Strangulation, Other. This data should go as far back as possible but should range from at least 1980 - 2022. Could I please have a yearly breakdown of the total number of violent crimes taken place, where violent crime includes, all assaults, murder/manslaughter, all sexual offenses, robbery, arson, etc. This data should go as far back as possible but should range from at least 1980 - 2022

We said

Thank you for your request.  

We publish Homicide data from the Home Office Homicide Index, which contains record level information about each homicide recorded by police in England and Wales.  

Our Appendix tables: homicide in England and Wales contain the number of offences initially recorded as homicide in England and Wales. Table 8a and table 8b show the number and percentage of offences currently recorded as homicide, by apparent method of killing, and Table 12 shows the number of offences currently recorded as homicide by whether a firearm was used and whether it was licensed, from year ending March 2012 to year ending March 2022.  

The Home Office have published Historical crime data which give individual offence data from 1898 to 2002.  

We publish victim-based crimes which includes, violence against the person, robbery, arson, homicide, sexual offences etc. in our Crime in England and Wales Appendix tables  (table A4). This shows police recorded crime by offence from year ending March 2003 to year ending March 2023.  

For further information on historical crime data or further breakdown of police recorded crime, you may wish to contact the Home Office directly via the following email address: