FOI Ref: ​FOI/2021/2790

You asked

Please supply the following information on historical statistics on immigration to the UK, and in particular the mode of travel used:

  • The total number of immigrants migrated to the UK from the Caribbean
  • Caribbean immigrants who migrated to Britain via a sea route
  • Caribbean immigrants who migrated to Britain via an air route

For each of these three statistics, please provide a yearly breakdown, for every year between 1948 and 1980.

We said

​Thank you for your request.

Unfortunately, we do not hold analysis by Caribbean grouping, however, please see the following links which we believe will be useful.

We hold information in terms of route (ship or air) from 1977 to 2019. The following table shows migration by mode of transport from 1977 to 2019: International Passenger Survey 3.19, citizenship by route, UK - Office for National Statistics (

Unfortunately, the "Caribbean" grouping is not one we usually use. However, this following table shows migration by country groupings from 1975 to 2019: International Passenger Survey 3.01, citizenship by country of last or next residence, UK - Office for National Statistics (

We have published some basic data about British Citizens vs. non-British Citizens from 1964, but it is not possible to identify people from the Caribbean. Our Table of contents links to these tables, and all other published, and includes information on the country groupings we use.

When accessing any of our files, please ensure you read the accompanying notes and contents contained within them.

We may be available to commission the information you have requested by specific countries from 1975 onwards as bespoke analysis. Such services would be subject to legal frameworks, disclosure controls, resources and agreement of costs. If you would like to request this bespoke dataset, please contact to discuss your enquiry further. Please note, there may be a charge for this work which would be subject to our charging policy.

Should you wish to make this request or if you require anything further, please contact us directly at