FOI reference: FOI-2024-2200

You asked

1) What date in 2025 will the three year data on hate crime be published?

2) Were any questions asked about hate crime via the crime telephone survey which was conducted during the COVID-19 period and if so was the data published?

We said

Thank you for your question.

The Home Office are responsible for producing Hate Crime statistics from both police recorded crime data and CSEW data.

Because of sample sizes and the number of hate crimes estimated by the CSEW, figures for one year are unreliable and so 3 survey years must be combined together.

The latest CSEW-based published stats covered YE March 2018 to YE March 2020.

Hate crime questions were asked in the Telephone-operated Crime Survey for England and Wales (TCSEW) but as CSEW and TCSEW are not directly comparable we are unable to combine data so there is no 3-year dataset for this time period.

The next hate crime stats will have to be based on YE March 23 to YE March 25. This is because YE March 22 is only 6 months of data and there are issues with quality due to low sample size and response rate for that period. Therefore CSEW hate crime figures will not be available until 2025 at earliest. We do not yet have a specific date for publication.

The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) data on hate crime will be published as part of the Home Office's hate crime release. They are responsible for this release and can be contacted at: for details regarding the publication date.

If you have any further questions, please contact the ONS Centre for Crime and Justice at