FOI REF: FOI/2023/5098 

You asked

Gross disposable household income Haringey 

1)      Would you kindly provide me with a breakdown of the value of Gross disposable household income by percentage of population for the borough. 

EG. 5% of the Borough's population have a GDHI  >  £60,000 

15% of the Borough's population have a GDHI  >  £50,000but less than £60,000 

20% of the Borough's population have a GDHI  >  £40,000but less than £50,000 

40% of the Borough's population have a GDHI  >  £30,000but less than £40,000 

       20% of the Borough's population have a GDHI    £30,000 but or less 

2)      Would you kindly provide me with details of the areas within the Borough that coincide with the above income data ie. in which parts of the Borough do the more affluent members of the community reside and in which areas do the less affluent? 

3)      Would you kindly provide me with details of the demographics for residents of the Borough that are going to primary or secondary schools in the Borough by area ie X% of the total number of the Borough's student population live in Y area and K%  live in H area, & etc?

We said

Thank you for your request. 

At present our Gross Disposable Household Income (GDHI) figures are by region do not include a distribution of incomes of the kind you have requested. We only hold a total and per capita average for each area. This data can be found by downloading the TKI London edition of the dataset available at Regional gross disposable household income: local authorities by ITL1 region - Office for National Statistics (

An alternative source that you might consider would be our Census records. Whilst they don't record income, there are other categories that might serve as a proxy for your research such as social class, occupation, tenure etc. Census data is readily available down to Output Area  (OA) level. can provide advice. 

You may also find our create a custom dataset tool useful. It allows you to search the data we hold about Haringey according to your own desired variables

We also produce Small Area Income Estimates (SAIE) down to the Medium Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA) level, these areas represent between 2000 and 6000 households. The most recent SAIE data available is for 2018. 

The SAIE interactive map (see bulletin) or underlying data may be of interest to you. The experimental Admin-Based Income Statistics (again, for year ending 2018) also offer quite rich data in similar vein.