FOI Ref: ​FOI/2021/2846

You asked

Please provide details of all the numbers of firearms related crimes/offences committed in the UK between 1976-2021.

Please provide these details broken down by sex e.g. male or female of the perpetrator(s).

We said

Thank you for your request.

Unfortunately, we do not hold the data you have requested.

The most recent firearms data was published in the Other related tables alongside our quarterly publication, Crime in England and Wales: year ending March 2021. Table F2a details the number of firearm offences broken down by principal weapon, we are unable to break these down by sex of perpetrator. We do not hold firearms data dating back to 1976, the table above goes back to March 2003.

Firearms statistics are based on data recorded by the police. The Home Office is responsible for police recorded crime data so may be able to provide more information around your requested data. They can be contacted at the following email address:

If you have any crime-related queries in the future, please email and we will endeavour to help.