You asked

I would like to know if there are suicide statistics for women whose suicide is determined or suspected to have occurred in the context of physical abuse and/or Coercive Controlling Behaviour (CCB), perpetrated by an intimate partner.

If such statistics do not exist, what plans might be in place to enhance ONS reporting in this respect - especially since it has been possible for several years for a perpetrator to be criminally convicted for causing the death of a partner due to CCB.

We said

Thank you for your query.

We produce statistics on suicide for England and Wales using information supplied by the coroner when a death is registered.

We do not hold information on suicides that occurred in context of physical abuse or Coercive Controlling Behaviour (CCB), as this information is not routinely recorded on the death certificate. Due to the information not being held, we are unable to produce this analysis at the moment, and we currently do not have plans to explore this in the future.