FOI reference: FOI-2024-2227

You asked

If there is a way to specify these to Wales (specifically South Wales then that would be very helpful)

  1. Fashion (outdoor and lifestyle clothing brands) sales from Jan 2023 - August 2024 month on month for retail bricks and mortar Not online.

  2. Footfall for independent fashion retailers Jan 2023-August 2024.

  3. Tourism numbers for South Wales Jan 2023-August 2024.

We said

Thank you for your request. 

Regarding question 1, we do not hold monthly estimates of retail sales specifically for Wales. Our statistics as part of our Retail Sales Inquiry are at a Great Britain (GB) level geographically. 

Estimates for GB estimates are available up to July 2024 via the following link: Retail Sales 

This will be updated with data for August on 20 September 2024.

In this publication, we do have a category for ‘Textile, clothing and footwear stores’ which should include Fashion sales. However, this will also include online sales and there will be some elements missing for stores that sell many products (including fashion) which might be classified elsewhere. 

Quarterly estimates for Retail Trade are available for Wales from the Welsh Government’s Short-term output indicators release. The latest data currently available is for 2024 Q1.

Regarding question 2, we do not hold monthly estimates for footfall for fashion retailers in Wales. Our Real Time Indicators publication provides weekly retail footfall for the UK with the latest current figures up to 4th August 2024. To note this is not included within every Real Time Indicator release. 

Regarding question 3, the International Passenger Survey provides estimates of foreign residents who visit the UK. These numbers do not include domestic tourism. 

Travel Trend Estimates are published at a quarterly level for Wales as a whole, as the sample is too small to show at a lower level. Please see the 2019-2023 edition of the dataset to view this information. Data in the annual release (2023 edition of the dataset) is broken down by Local Authority. 

Estimates for South Wales for 2023 can be ordered via our bespoke services route. Please send your requirements by email to the Travel and Tourism team via We will need to establish exactly which areas you would like included in your dataset during this consultation. Please note, our bespoke services are subject to legal frameworks, disclosure controls, and possible costs in line with our charging policy.

Visits to Wales in the first six months of the year for 2024 are planned for publication in October.