FOI Reference: FOI/2022/4485

You asked

I am making a Freedom of Information request for the number of fixed rate mortgages to expire over the next 24 months (or longer) by month across the UK.


  • January 2023 - 20,000 fixed rate mortgages due to expire

  • February 2023 - 25,000 fixed rate mortgages due to expire

  • March 2023 - 27,000 fixed rate mortgages due to expire

We said

​Thank you for your request.

Unfortunately, we do not hold the data required to answer this question. The Financial Conduct Authority have mortgage data and may be able to assist with your request. You can contact them on the following address

Additionally, UK Finance may also have data required for this analysis, but please be aware that UK Finance are not a government body and there may be a charge for any analysis they might conduct for this FOI.