You asked

Please provide statistics on the ethnic makeup of each age group in England and Wales as per the 2011 Census. The GOV.UK website has statistics on the age profiles of various ethnic groups on this page:

However I would like the statistics for each group broken down by ethnicity, for example:

For the age group 0-4 years old: A% of people are Asian, B% are Black, C% are White,...

For the age group 5-9 years old: A% of people are Asian, B% are Black, C% are White,...

And so on for all age groups up to and including "Age 85 and over"

We said

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request for statistics on the ethnic makeup of each age group in England and Wales as per the 2011 Census.

Please see the downloadable Excel file accompanying this response named DC2101EW_ Ethnic_Group_by_sex_by_age, which contains an extract from the 2011 Census detailed characteristic table DC2101EW. This provides a detailed ethnic breakdown by age group for England and Wales. The table provides the numbers from which you will be able to calculate percentages for your selected ethnic groups.

If you would like any further census information or statistics, please feel free to contact Census Customer Services who will be pleased to assist you.