You asked

​What is the employment rate, (percentage) of non-western immigrants between the age of 16 – 65?

We said

Thank you for your query regarding the employment rate of migrants.

We estimate the number of people in employment who were born in different countries from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and Annual Population Survey (APS). Figures are generally published based on countries being grouped by standard geographic or economic breakdowns.

The LFS is more timely than APS, with a smaller sample, designed to give information on short term movements. The APS has a larger sample, but takes longer to produce, making it more suitable for a more accurate detailed analysis.

The latest LFS figures on employment levels by country of birth and nationality, are published on the ONS website, each quarter as part of the Labour Market Release. The table includes employment rates for high level geographic areas.

The APS figures are published on our Nomis website in a dataset which allows a more granular geographic breakdown than is published from the LFS. Attached to this response is a table giving some of the higher geographic level figures, although more detail can be found within the Nomis dataset.

All estimates from the LFS and APS, as with any sample survey, are subject to a certain amount of sampling variability.