FOI Ref: FOI/2022/4671

You asked

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please provide me with the following information about the emissions and energy efficiency of your main departmental buildings.

In order to assist you, I understand that some, if not all of this information should be recorded as part of your submissions under the greening government commitments 2021-25, accessible via the following link:

If you only have partial answers, please provide what you have and explain the gaps in your data.

From this data, please exclude emissions from any of your executive agencies or Non-Departmental Public Buildings from your figures. We just want emissions from your non-ministerial government department.

1. What are your department's total greenhouse gas emissions in CO2e?

2. By what percentage have your total greenhouse gas emissions in CO2e reduced/increased since 2021?

3. By what percentage have your total greenhouse gas emissions in CO2e reduced/increased since 2019?

4. What % of energy used by your central department buildings is generated from renewable sources (This does not include energy purchased under "green" tariffs.)?

5. How many of your buildings have an efficiency rating of C or above (that is the one accepted as OK).

6. How many of your buildings have an efficiency rating of D or below?

We said

​Thank you for your enquiry,

1. What are your department's total greenhouse gas emissions in CO2e?

Our total Greenhouse gas emissions in tc02e for the year 2021 to 2022 is 1426.

2. By what percentage have your total greenhouse gas emissions in CO2e reduced/increased since 2021?

The data in this table (2022/2023) is not finalised or published before the submission deadline post quarter 4, subject to GGC (Greening Government Commitments) guidance. Throughout the reporting year these figures may be amended either due to reporting changes or data collection methods. For example, this could be a move in office space, or estimated readings due to ongoing building works which can only be confirmed at year end.

The reason for the increase shown in these figures is largely due to the impact of COVID-19. During Q1 and Q2 of 2021 to 2022 our offices and survey activities were continuing largely at home rather than at offices. Our estates and travel emissions were therefore significantly lower than is usual. Question 3 below illustrates our decreasing emissions trend over time.

3. By what percentage have your total greenhouse gas emissions in CO2e reduced/increased since 2019?

When comparing 2019 to 2020 and 2021 to 2022 we have a 65% decrease in tc02e.

4. What % of energy used by your central department buildings is generated from renewable sources?

For the year 2021 to 2022, the percentages are:

  • Photovoltaic - 189,682 3% (3.19865229)
  • Biomass - 1,324,600 22% (22.3370421)

Therefore, a total of 25% use came from renewables. Note that this figure does not include the energy supplied to us via our network supplier who openly publish their 80% commitment to renewably sourced energy.

5.     Energy Q's C and above

Our Christchurch location has an energy rating of C.

Regarding our other locations the GPA is currently out to tender for a consultant to provide an EPC for all our current onboarded properties to ensure we have a baseline which will drive future sustainability investment decisions. This will be completed (subject to appointment of the contractor) by March 23.

6.     Energy Q's D and below.

The GPA is currently out to tender for a consultant to provide an EPC for all our current onboarded properties to ensure we have a baseline which will drive future sustainability investment decisions. This will be completed (subject to appointment of the contractor) by March 23.