​FOI REF: FOI/2023/5024

You asked

Please could you tell me the number of occurrences of the surname Eastcott in the Census from 1931 to 2021?

We said

Thank you or your freedom of information request. 

While we retain name information, which is released to the National Archives in 100 years, it is not used to produce statistics.  The collection of people's names is more an aid for the person completing the questionnaire so that they can make sure everyone is included and allocate the correct particulars to each household member. This is particularly important in the case of large households. The information also helps us make sure that the census only counts everyone once. 

More recently, under conditions which ensure confidentiality is maintained, names have been used to allow limited Census data to be analysed in conjunction with other data; this allowed key questions relating to the covid pandemic to be answered. 

Names are also helpful when using the census to undertake genealogical research when the records are open after 100 years, however, this is not the prime purpose of the Census. 

Data (with names) from censuses up to 1921 is available from The National Archives, but of utmost importance to us is the protection of personal data. All personal information collected in the Census is protected and kept confidential for 100 years. We only use data to produce statistics and undertake statistical analysis and research, and there are strict penalties under legislation for unlawful disclosure. Personal information is any information that could allow you to be identified, for example your name, address, or date of birth. 

To produce statistics, we need to turn answers from census questionnaires into data. This means we collect and scan paper questionnaires and securely combine the information from them with the answers from the online questionnaires.   

The way census data is processed has changed over the years and we no longer have access to the 'raw' data for 1931- 1981(there was no census in 1941, owing to World War 2). 

It may be possible to produce your requested statistical data as a bespoke census analysis for the 2011 and 2021 censuses. Such analysis is subject to feasibility assessment, legal frameworks, disclosure controls, availability of Census Office resources, ethical/Registrar General approval and cost. If you would like to request this bespoke census analysis, please contact Census.Customer.Services@ons.gov.uk to discuss your enquiry further. Please note there would be a charge for this work, which would be subject to our charging policy.  

Please note, if we did produce a dataset, it would only be able to inform on the number of people who had entered a response which when it had passed through our capture systems matches to the name Eastcott, we would not be able to allow for typos or variations in spelling.