You asked

I would like to request data on the following information:

  1. Drinking habits by regions of Great Britain, 2011 - 2012 and the percentage of adults who drank in the last week.

  2. Cigarette smoking status by region Great Britain, 2012 and the percentage of current smokers.

  3. Mean Body Mass Index (all adults) by Government Office Region Great Britain, 2005-2015.

We said

Thank you for your request for data pertaining to drinking and smoking habits and mean Body Mass Index in Great Britain.

Please see below for details on your request

1. Please see the following link to a dataset for Adult drinking habits in Great Britain:

This dataset provides the frequency of alcohol consumption in the week preceding the survey interview for the years you have requested. Unfortunately, this data is only available by region from 2014 to 2017. Please see details below on contacting the office to produce these additional breakdowns.

Although the adult drinking habits in Great Britain publication has now been discontinued, you may be interested in viewing data on alcohol-specific deaths in the UK, which is published annually.

2. Please see the following link to a dataset for Adult smoking habits in Great Britain:

This dataset provides smoking prevalence estimates by region based on the Annual Population Survey (APS) from 2011 onwards.

3. We do not currently publish any data on Body Mass Index or obesity. However, please see the Obesity/nutrition compendium by NHS Digital which includes data on Body Mass Index.

Some of the information you have requested is available to commission as a bespoke analysis. Such services would fall outside of the Freedom of Information regime and would be subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreement of costs where appropriate.

If you would like to discuss your requirements further, please contact For more information about our charging rates, please see our website.