You asked

​I would like to know how many accidents where a driver at fault had been drinking but was under the limit caused:

a) serious injury and

b) fatal.

This needs to be for the year 2020 please.

We said

Thank you for your request.

We do not hold data relating to road accidents or roadside testing, these are held and published by the Department for Transport (DfT). DfT data on reported drink or drug driving accidents and casualties can be found here. DfT are contactable by e-mail: and they may be able to provide you with more information.

You may find our police recorded crime data, published as part of our Crime in England and Wales quarterly bulletins interesting, this provides a breakdown of driving offences under the category of 'Death or serious injury - unlawful driving' in Appendix Table A4. The only driving offence which references the use of alcohol or drugs is 'Causing death by careless driving when under the influence of drink or drugs'.  However, if the driver was under the limit, it is unlikely to be recorded in this category. It would be included in one of the other offence categories and not separately identifiable.