You asked

I would like to obtain information, data, statistics about divorce especially by people from religious grounds. For example, Catholic, C of E Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Jewish, Africa- Caribbean/Pentecostal.

We said

Thank you for your enquiry.

Divorces taking place in England and Wales are recorded by the courts onto the HM Courts and Tribunals Service's (HMCTS') FamilyMan case management system and sent to us electronically for the production and analysis of statistics.

Our data is derived from information supplied by the petitioner, respondent and the court.

The following is a summary of the data analysed by ONS.

Information supplied by petitioner and respondent:

  • Date of marriage

  • Age at marriage (in years)

  • Marital status at marriage (single, widowed or divorced)

Supplied by the court:

  • Date petition filed and date of decree absolute

  • Facts proven and class(es) of decree

  • Dissolution type (same-sex couple or opposite-sex couple) – this has been supplied since 2014 following the introduction of marriages of same-sex couples

Religious information is not provided as part of the divorce process and therefore we consider this information not held.

Further information on Divorce statistics can be found in our User guide to divorce statistics.