FOI reference: FOI-2024-2206

You asked

I am writing to request detailed information regarding various aspects of UK welfare spending, including but not limited to the following programs:

  1. Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA)
  2. Income Support
  3. Child Tax Credit (CTC)
  4. Working Tax Credit (WTC)
  5. Housing Benefit
  6. Equivalent claims under Universal Credit

Date Range:

I am particularly interested in data for the financial years 2018/2019 to 2023/2024. If data for these specific years is not available, please provide the most recent data available.

Specific Information Requested:

For each of these programs, I am seeking a comprehensive breakdown of the following:

  • Hand-Out Amounts: The total amounts paid out to claimants for each welfare type listed.
  • Administrative Costs: Including staff salaries, training, office maintenance, and any inefficiencies.
  • Technology and Data Management: Costs related to system development, maintenance, and data security.
  • Fraud Prevention and Compliance: Details on auditing, investigations, and fraud prevention measures.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Costs related to legal reviews, policy updates, and dispute resolution.
  • Outreach and Education: Expenses related to public information campaigns and community outreach.
  • Overhead Costs: General infrastructure and miscellaneous operational costs.
  • Direct Service Costs: Related to service delivery, performance monitoring, and program evaluation.
  • Prosecution and Civil Penalties and Out-of-Court Settlements-Related Costs:
    • Court Costs: Fees related to fraud cases.
    • Civil Penalties Imposed for welfare fraud.
    • Out-of-Court Settlements: Related to welfare fraud cases.
    • Incarceration and Probation Costs: For individuals convicted of welfare fraud.
    • Other Costs Related to Probation: Including costs associated with monitoring, rehabilitation programs, and any ongoing supervision of individuals on probation for welfare fraud.
  • Any Other Costs: Any other costs associated with the administration and operation of these welfare programs that are not explicitly listed above.

Research on Universal Basic Income (UBI):

Additionally, I am interested in any research or studies your department has conducted or commissioned related to Universal Basic Income (UBI). This includes:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Pilot programs
  • Cost-benefit analyses
  • Social and economic impact assessments

We said

Thank you for your query regarding statistics regarding various aspects of UK welfare spending. 

Unfortunately, we do not collect such information at the level of detail you require and are therefore unable to provide the information requested. We are unable to answer your request for information on this occasion.

The Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) may be better placed to assist with your request. They can be contacted via the following link