FOI ref: FOI-2023-1467

You asked

I would like to examine how the share of women in the university student population has developed over time in different countries. I would like to request data for the UK regarding the numbers of enrolments, new entrants, and graduates mainly at the bachelor level for the years before 2013 where and after the data is provided by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). We would ideally like to have historical evidence going back as long as possible.

We said

Thank you for your query regarding degree study in the UK. 

Unfortunately, we do not hold information in scope of your request. We collect information regarding people's educational status via the Labour Force and Annual Population Surveys. However, estimates drawn from this information would not wholly align with the concepts you are enquiring about and would also be subject to large sampling variability.

The Department for Education (DfE) and the devolved administrations for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland produce statistics from more comprehensive higher education data sources that may better suit your needs. You can find links to the DfE higher education statistics and those for the devolved administrations on the DfE Statistics page. Please contact DfE for further information.