You asked

Can you please provide a comparison of the number of deaths per capita within 14 days of receiving the COVID-19 vaccines (any of the ones in use) regardless of cause of the death certificate vs the unvaccinated deaths per capita dying in the same period and age group.

The time period would be Dec 1 2020 to February 28 2021.

We said

Thank you for your request.

Deaths caused by the COVID-19 Vaccine:

You can find the number of deaths involving COVID-19 (not restricted to 28 days after vaccination) in table 12 of our Monthly Mortality Analysis dataset, these include figures for deaths involving adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccination. There are currently 0 deaths registered with the aligning ICD codes for this. However, should this change, they will be updated in this table. This publication will be updated on 20th May 2021.

Deaths within 14 days of COVID-19 Vaccine:

For deaths not involving adverse reactions to the vaccine, but occur after vaccination has occurred, we currently hold raw data on vaccination for England only and we are developing our analytical plans with an intention to publish detailed vaccination statistics soon. Once we have finalised these plans a publication date will be announced on our Release Calendar. This analysis will include all-cause mortality following vaccination.