FOI REF: FOI-2023-1385

You asked

  1. In the 'Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional' published weekly, for section 1 and 2 respectively and the bar graph respectively, can you confirm whether this is the raw data or based upon a model or something else?
  2. If this is not the raw death registration data, can you provide the materials relevant to how you achieved these figures from the raw data.

We said

Thank you for your request about our Deaths Registered Weekly publication.

We are responsible for the production of mortality statistics for England and Wales, this is driven by information collected from death certificates at death registration.

The data presented in section 1 and 2 is raw data based upon the number of registrations recorded for that specific week. There is no modelling involved in the aggregation of the data. If you wish to view the data these graphs are based on, please navigate to the 'Download the data' buttons underneath each graph and set of notes. This will allow you to download the data in an excel file. 

A more detailed User Guide to Mortality Statistics can be found via the following link: User guide to mortality statistics.