​FOI REF: FOI/2023/4965

You asked

For all weeks covering the periods December 2021- February 2022 and December 2022-February 2023, please provide the total number of deaths involving:

Diseases of the respiratory system (J00-J99)

Diseases of the circulatory system (IOO-I99)

Malnutrition, nutritional anaemias and other nutritional deficiencies (D50-D53, E40-E64)

We said

Thank you for your request

In our Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional publication, we publish provisional data for codes J00 to J99. Data is available on a weekly basis from December 2021 to February 2023.

Annual data for 2021 for these specific ICD-10 codes is available on our interactive NOMIS webservice by using the following instructions:

  • Select Timeframe - 2013 to 2021
  • Select the geography (England and Wales, regional or by local authority).  
  • Select Age - All ages or 5-year age bands.  
  • Select Gender - Total or Male/Female  
  • Select rates - All deaths, rates or percentage of population for example.  
  • Select cause of death (ICD10 code search is available).  
  • Select format (Excel or CSV for example)

Data showing deaths due to diseases of the circulatory system and malnutrition, anaemias, and other deficiencies for the specific period referenced is available via our bespoke services.

Please note, 2022 and 2023 data are still provisional and subject to change to allow the inclusion of late registrations which are deaths referred for Coroner investigation.

We will publish annual data for deaths registered by cause for 2022 in July 2023, the confirmed date of publication will be announced on our Release Calendar.

If you would like to request a bespoke data set, special extracts and tabulations of data are available to order from the Health Analysis and Pandemic Insight (HAPI) Customer Service team. These are subject to disclosure control, legal frameworks, resources, and agreement to costs under the ONS Charging policy.  

If you would like to obtain a quote for this work, please contact Health.Data@ons.gov.uk