FOI REF: FOI/2023/4973
You asked
Given that a significant number of death registrations are very delayed due to coroner's inquests (especially regarding children and young people) please provide an up to date analysis of all Covid deaths since January 2020, by age and week of occurrence formatted to match Table 5 in the weekly mortality dataset.
We said
Thank you for your enquiry.
We have published Deaths due to COVID-19, registered in England and Wales for 2020 and 2021 which is using non-provisional data and will include some late registrations, however it may not include unusually late registrations such as the one you have referenced.
We will publish 2022 data in July 2023 to allow the inclusion of late registrations, for more information please see our Impact of registration delays on mortality statistics in England and Wales publication.
The information you have requested is available via our bespoke services route. Special extracts and tabulations of mortality data for England and Wales are available to order and are subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreements of costs under the ONS charging policy. Such enquiries can be made to the Health Analysis and Pandemic Insight (HAPI) Customer Services team via the following email address: