FOI REF: FOI/2023/1093

You asked

I have seen the published figures from February 2022 about deaths caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. Is there an updated figure since Feb 2022?

We said

Thank you for your request.

We hold the following analysis of deaths attributed to the COVID-19 vaccination within our Monthly Mortality Analysis Publication.

In table 14 of the data, we publish the number of deaths due to and involving the COVID-19 vaccination.

Our latest available analysis is March 2023.

In England, there are 59 deaths registered involving adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccination, of which 51 are noted as the underlying cause of death.

In Wales, there is 1 death registered where adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccination is the underlying cause of death.

For further information please contact

Please note our response was updated on 9 June 2023