You asked


Please may I request covid deaths by 4 variables:

  • Local area
  • Variant
  • Age and
  • Vaccination status

We said

​Thank you for your request.

Deaths by local area and age group

We are responsible for producing mortality statistics for England and Wales, this is driven by information collected from the death certificate at death registration.

We do not hold the requested analysis showing deaths involving COVID-19 broken down by local area and age group. To fulfil this request, we would need to create bespoke analysis. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Public Authorities are not obligated to create information in order to respond to requests. We therefore consider this to be information not held.

However, please see the following information, which you may find useful:

Provisional monthly death registration data for England and Wales, broken down by sex, age and country are available in this monthly publication: Monthly mortality analysis, England and Wales. This publication contains data from July 2020 onwards and includes deaths due to COVID-19 and leading causes of death. Leading causes for England and Wales are available on table 11a and 11b and includes figures for the five-year average.

ONS have also been publishing a breakdown of COVID-19 deaths by age group in our weekly deaths bulletin with statistics published up to week ending 28th May 2021. Please download the 'Covid-19 – Weekly registrations' table in the 2020 and 2021 datasets for weekly deaths involving COVID-19 by age.

Please also Death registrations and occurrences by local authority and health board. In the tables labelled 'Registrations – Pivot table' and 'Occurrences – Pivot table', you can see how the mortality figures vary week on week in selected local authorities, using the drop-down toggle and filtering on the week number and cause of death options.

For clarity: The filter/drop-down on the pivot tables for 'All-causes' does not contain COVID-19 deaths. By default, both options are ticked. If you were to untick the COVID-19 option it would deduct from the total deaths, leaving you with deaths from all other causes. Additionally, if both were ticked and you unticked All-causes, it would leave you with the total number of COVID-19 deaths.


We do not hold information on the COVID-19 variant, as this information is not noted on the death certificate.

Vaccination status

For deaths that involved COVID-19, ONS are not notified on whether the deceased was vaccinated. This information requires complex analysis linking vaccination records to death registrations. We are working on analysis on all aspects of the relationship between COVID-19 vaccination and mortality, once we have finalised these plans a publication date will be announced on our Release Calendar.

You can find figures published by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) here.

Deaths after receipt of COVID-19 vaccine

You can find the number of deaths involving COVID-19 (not restricted to first or second vaccination) in table 12 of our Monthly Mortality Analysis dataset, these include figures for deaths involving adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccination. There are currently 2 deaths registered with the aligning ICD codes for this. However, should this change, they will be updated in this table. This publication is due to be updated in June 2021.

If you would like to discuss these statistics further, please contact