FOI ​Ref: FOI/2022/4498

You asked

​​Please forward the latest information on the number of deaths by COVID-19 vaccine.

We said

Thank you for your request.

We hold the following analysis regarding deaths following receipt of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine: Deaths involving COVID-19 by vaccination status, England.

Table 3 of this publication shows deaths and mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths for all causes, non-COVID-19 deaths, and COVID-19 deaths from January 2021 to 31 May 2022. The following categories are used in this analysis:

  • Unvaccinated
  • First dose less than 21 days ago
  • First dose at least 21 days ago  
  • Second dose less than 21 days ago  
  • Second dose between 21 days and 6 months ago
  • Second dose at least 6 months ago
  • Third dose or booster less than 21 days ago
  • Third dose at least 21 days ago
  • Ever vaccinated

In the "ever vaccinated" category, there have been 531,118 deaths since January 2021 to 31 May 2022 in England. Please note, this publication does not include deaths attributed to the COVID-19 vaccination.

The data are for England only, as vaccinations data for Wales is not yet available to be linked to the mortality dataset and the Public Health Ddata Asset covers England only.

This is the latest data available with an updated publication due for release in late 2022. The next publication date will be announced on our Release Calendar.

For deaths attributed to the COVID-19 vaccination

Deaths which include adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccination as either the underlying cause or contributory mention are recorded in table 12 as part of our Monthly Mortality Analysis. The latest data available is August 2022.

As of August, there have been 51 deaths attributed to adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccination, of which 45 have this as the underlying cause of death.

September data will be published on 21 October 2022.

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