FOI Ref: FOI/2022/4664

You asked

I would like to conduct research on court cases statistics in England in the last 5 years.

Data dictionary

Case filing: Jun 2021, Mar 2022

Case Reference: Sinha v Luckham (2021), Sinha v Sinha (2022), etc

Case type: Equity proceeding, Breach of contract, Debt, Medical negligence, Personal injury, Wrongful arrest etc

Case outcome type: Summary Judgement, Trial, etc

Case outcome (judgement): In favour of Defendant, In favour of Claimant

Case Outcome Date: yyyy-mm-dd, Null/blank if still going

Case Hearing: Open court, Close court

Claimant(s): ABC Ltd

Defendant(s): K Sinha

Claimant representation: In-Person, legal representation, other

Defendant representation: In-Person, legal representation, other

Court Type: County court, Magistrate court, High court, Supreme court

Court (location): e.g. Reading Slough, Oxford, etc

I need to visualise the trend for the last 5 years, the increase in LiP, and how the judgement was seen, trend during Covid, etc

We said

Thank you for your enquiry.

Unfortunately we do not hold the data you have requested. We publish statistics from two main sources; the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) and Home Office police recorded crime. We do not generally publish statistics on court cases or outcomes.

The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) are primarily responsible for data involving the courts and may be able to assist you further. They can be contacted directly at the following email address:

If you have any other crime-related queries, please email and we will endeavour to help.