FOI Ref: FOI/2021/2458

You asked

I ask under Freedom of Information for:

  • Details of how many Civil Servants are currently working for organisations external to the Civil Service;
  • How much money they are paid to do so;
  • What other benefits they might enjoy or expect to enjoy in cash or kind;
  • How many are engaged in the Office for Statistics Regulation [OSR];
  • How many are engaged in the Office for National Statistics [ONS];
  • What form of registers of conflicting interests do the ONS and OSR maintain and are all those engaged with those offices required to make declarations;
  • Do any external commercial organisations provide services to ONS and/or OSR.

We said

Thank you for your request.

1.Please provide details of how many Civil Servants are currently working for organisations external to the Civil Service.

As of 14 May 2021, 45 employees made declarations as having secondary employment. This includes paid and unpaid employment. The data gathered does not record the type of organisation that the secondary employment relates to, so we are unable to identify those that work for organisations external to the Civil Service.  

Please note, it is not mandatory for employees below HEO grade to disclose secondary employment in the following circumstances.

  • Unpaid work in non-commercial organisations.
  • All part-time retail work (except for providing training activities).
  • All part-time work in healthcare sector (except for providing training activities).
  • All part-time work in agriculture sector (except for providing training activities).
  • All part-time work in commercial organisations (except for providing training activities).
  • Teaching, Lecturing and Training when subjects are not related in any form to an ONS employee's employment, and the employee does not hold a training appointment within ONS.
  • Consultancy when subjects and scope of activity is not related in any form to an ONS employee's employment activities.

2.How much money they are paid to do so?

This information is not requested as part of the secondary employment disclosure. Therefore, we do not hold this information.

3.What other benefits they might enjoy or expect to enjoy in cash or kind?

This information is not requested as part of the secondary employment disclosure. Therefore, we do not hold this information.

4.How many are engaged in the Office for Statistics Regulation [OSR]?

0 Civil Servants

5.How many are engaged in the Office for National Statistics [ONS]?

45 Civil Servants

6.What form of registers of conflicting interests do the ONS and OSR maintain and are all those engaged with those offices required to make declarations?

A register of interests for members of the Authority Board is maintained and published on the UK Statistics Authority website at: An annual exercise is also carried out whereby staff members not sitting on the Authority Board but are deemed to have significant influence within the organisation (Directors), are required to complete disclosures detailing registered interests. Furthermore, members of our commercial team and evaluators involved in all procurement exercises, complete a declaration of interest specific to that procurement exercise.

7.Do any external commercial organisations provide services to ONS and/or OSR?

The ONS and OSR engage and contract with commercial organisations as suppliers of goods/services in support of the activities the ONS and OSR carry out.