FOI REF: FOI-2023-1108

You asked

Please provide census data on population, income, number of households, age profile, household deprivation, ethnic group, general health, number of cars or vans, tenure of household, distance travelled to work, method of travel to workplace, economic activity status, employment history, occupation, and highest level of qualification for the areas of Hornsea (Hull), Chorlton (Manchester), Pocklington (York) and Goathland (North Yorks). I would like the conditions for each of these factors to be in line with those used for the 'build a custom area profile' that is used for the 2021 census. I would like data from the 1951, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001 and 2011 census.

We said

Thank you for your freedom of information request. 

The Census has changed significantly over time. Although the broad picture of population change can be followed from census to census, each census has evolved to reflect and keep up with changes in society, so direct comparison does not necessarily provide a good source of information about detailed change over time.

Changes in the questions asked, in the categories used to present results, in the terminology and in geographical boundaries, mean that each census primarily provides a 'cross sectional' picture of the country at the time. Both the way the data is processed and how the data are presented, has changed significantly over the years. 

A question on income has never been asked on the UK census. Ethnic group was first asked in 1991. General health was first asked in 2001. A deprivation indicator is derived from responses to other questions and first appeared in 2001 outputs. Car ownership was first asked in 1971. Tenure in 1961. Transport to work 1971 and qualifications in 1971. Employment history is not collected -- only current occupation or last occupation for retired people.

Data for 1981 to 2021

Census data for 1981, 1991, 2001, 2011 is readily available from the Nomis website. Nomis is a service provided by Durham University on behalf of the Office for National Statistics. Please see the associated download for navigational instructions on how to use this website.

Prior to 1981

As part of the historic censuses digitisation project, additional previously published datasets are now accessible via Nomis. These include the county and topic report tables for 1921, 1931, 1951 and 1961 and the small area statistics for 1971.

The Local Government Act 1972, abolished previous existing local government structures, and created a two-tier system of counties and districts everywhere. The change was radical and even created new counties. This makes direct comparison of census results difficult.

Prior to the Act, Counties were comprised of County Boroughs (CBs), Urban Districts (UDs), Municipal Boroughs (MBs) and Rural Districts (RDs). All but RDs were further divided into Electoral Wards. RDs were divided into Civil Parishes. After the Act, the new Counties were divided into Local Authorities which were again divided in to wards and also into CPs. 

The administrative geography in England and Wales is subject to frequent change. The most stable units are Civil Parishes (CPs) in England and Communities in Wales, which can very often be traced all the way from 1801 to the present day.  Local Authority boundaries have changed over the years.  

The four areas you are interested in -- Hornsea, Chorlton, Pocklington and Goathland have remained relatively stable. The associate file 'Table showing the classification of Hornsea, Chorlton, Pocklington and Goathland' shows how their classification has changed over time.

1951 and 1971

Unfortunately, detailed census data for 1951 and 1971 is not currently available online, so we have provided copies of the scanned images in the zip files in the associated downloads. Published reports may also be available at the British Library or at some local libraries. 

Provided in the associated downloads are:

For 1951 - files which contain population, number of households, and where available, age.

  • Age is available for Parishes within Rural Districts, with a minimum population and population density. Pocklington is the only one of the four areas to meet these conditions.  
  • Please note that occupation data is not held at Parish or Ward level. This information is available at larger geographies.
  • The number of Cars and Vans Available, Qualifications, and Tenure were not asked in 1951.

For 1971 - files which provide population and number of households within Table 3, Tenure within Household Small Area Statistics (SAS), Age (age up to 21 and age of economically active) within Population SAS, and Industry within the 10 percent SAS.   

  • The SAS data is not available for Hornsea at Parish Level, only at Urban district level.
  • Occupation is not also held at parish or Ward level but as for 1951 data, is available for larger geographies.
  • The number of Cars or Vans Available and Qualifications was asked in 1971 but is not held specifically at parish or Ward level.  

The associated downloads also provide the explanatory notes for the SAS, which we highly recommend reading.

Should you have any questions about the data provided, require assistance with the NOMIS webservice, or require further information on this topic, please contact our Census Customer Service team who can assist.

In particular, they can help to explain how best to use this data to draw year-on-year comparisons, and advise what is available in 1951 and '71 at higher levels of geography for occupation and cars and qualifications.

Downloads associated with request