FOI REF: FOI-2023-1386

You asked

I am looking for ethnicity and religious background information for carers within each Council or Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) from the 2021 Census Data please.

We said

Thank you for your request.

The release of multivariate data on 28 March 2023 includes both flexible datasets where you can choose and change the area type, coverage and variables for Census 2021 data, and custom datasets that you can make yourself.

There’s a short video on this blog to show you how to use the new Create a custom dataset for census: New ways to access Census 2021 data video.

 Flexible datasets can be accessed via the following link: Data combining multiple variables, England and Wales: Census 2021 

The create a custom dataset tool is available via the following link: Create a custom dataset tool

Using the create a custom dataset tool, we have produced a dataset detailing ethnic group by religion by unpaid care for all local authorities (LAs) in England and Wales. This is accessible via the following link: Census 2021: Ethnic group, religion, and unpaid care.

Please note, of all the 331 Local Authorities in England and Wales, only 116 areas are available in this dataset. Protecting personal data  has prevented 215 areas from being published. The level of detail would be reduced further for smaller areas such as Lower Level Super Output Areas (LSOA).

By reducing the categories or limiting the cross tabulations you can get data for more areas (LAs) such as Ethnic group by unpaid care and Religion by unpaid care.

Instructions on how to create other custom datasets is provided in the associated download ‘ONS - Create a Custom Dataset Navigation Instructions.pdf’. You may need to reduce the categories to obtain meaningful data.  

Should you have any further queries and would like any further advice on using this tool, our Census Customer Services team can assist via the following email: