You asked

I would like this information pertaining to the city of Bath, England:

Accommodation type by tenure by number of rooms by car or van availability.

We said

You have made a Freedom of Information Request for information about accommodation type by tenure by number of rooms by car or van availability for the city of Bath.

We have published standard 2011 Census statistics for areas within England and Wales including the unitary authority of Bath and North East Somerset. These are available from the Nomis webpage:

We have reviewed the range of standard outputs and none of them fully meet your exact requirements, however a bespoke service is available to commission tailored outputs. The links below are to previously commissioned tables for the number of households by accommodation type by tenure by number of rooms by car or van availability for local authorities in England and Wales, including the unitary authority of Bath and North East Somerset, and the second link is the equivalent table but for merged wards.

Dataset CT0100 This is an archived website so please go to entry 002188 15 January 2014

Dataset CT01013 Please go to entry 002195 15 January 2014

An equivalent table can be commissioned for the Parliamentary Constituency of Bath which may be a better fit for what you consider to be the city of Bath. We also offer a service to produce outputs for bespoke geography which may be of interest.

Advice on how to request a table can be found here
The Census Commissioned Tables team are responsible for estimating the costs and delivery time for any new commissions. In all cases any table that is produced must adhere to our strict disclosure control process to ensure that there is no risk of releasing any personal information

If you have any similar questions in the future you can contact Census Customer Services directly.
Tel: +44 (0)1329 444972
Census Customer Services: ONS, Titchfield, Fareham, Hants, PO15 5RR

As this information is already available to you via this route we consider that s.21(1) applies to this request and the information does not have to be supplied under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act. s.21(1) is an absolute exemption and no consideration of the public interest test needs to be applied.