You asked
I would like to receive the following statistics about Glioblastoma Multiforme Grade IV (a type of brain cancer).
1) The number of deaths caused by Glioblastoma multiforme between 2000-15.
2) The types of treatments Glioblastoma multiforme sufferers were given (e.g chemotherapy, radiotherapy or combined treatments).
3) The number of patients who died, for at least 5 different types of treatments between 2000-15.
We said
Thank you for your query regarding deaths caused by Glioblastoma multiforme.
Glioblastoma multiforme is defined by the morphology of the cancer. The data that we hold on cancer deaths is on cancer site, rather than morphology, therefore we are not able to provide the statistics you request. Also, we do not hold cancer treatment data.
Public Health England may be able to assist you in this query. They can be contacted through the Office for Data Release via the following email address -