You asked
Is it possible to provide trends of cancer incidence and mortality depending on the stage of diagnosis? Including if the cancer was screened for? The cancers I am particularly interested in are Breast, Prostate and Lung Cancer.
We said
Thank you for your request for information on the incidence and mortality of cancer and their link to cancer screening.
We produce a range of cancer registrations and cancer survival statistics which presents the data by cancer site. Our Cancer Registration Statistics details the number of patients diagnosed but does not, currently, include any information on the stage of diagnosis.
From the registration of 2012 cancer diagnoses onwards, the use of the same data collection tools and methodologies across England has enabled a consistent approach to collecting and recording cancer staging data. This new approach successfully led to more than 60% of all stageable tumours being staged for the first time in 2012. For 2013, 2014 and 2015 diagnoses, the proportion staged has further improved to 71%, 77% and 80%, respectively, and we are now looking to include stage of diagnosis in future registration releases. However, our collaboration with Public Health England (PHE) on the production of the Cancer survival in England: adult, stage at diagnosis and childhood publication means that, we already publish statistics on cancer survival by stage of diagnosis for the three cancer sites you specifically mention in your email.
We also publish Deaths registered in England and Wales which details deaths by age, sex and underlying cause in Table 2. Cancers are defined by anatomic site codes in the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10). The ICD-10 codes for the cancer sites you are interested in are: breast (C50), prostate (C61) and lung (C33 to C34).
We do not have the capability to link cancer diagnosis with mortality, and do not hold any information on cancer screening so unfortunately we are are not able to provide a response to your question. However, PHE may be able to provide you with further information based on the additional information they hold. They can be contacted at