FOI ref: FOI-2024-2152

You asked

I request that the following information is provided: to the nearest 100 births, the total number of births registered at Stoke and/or Hanley Register offices between the dates of 16/20/2020 and 18/8/2021. Please note that the General Registry Office has directed me to Rev ONS, the GRO confirm that they do not keep a record of this information.

I would also be very appreciative if you could also specify how many, of those children registered in Stoke and/or Hanley Register Office between 16/12/20 and 18/8/21, were born on or after 16/12/20.

We said

Thank you for your request. 

We do not hold information on the specific register office where a birth has been registered. However, we do hold information on the registration district and sub-district. 

We have not published any analysis of births by registration district; therefore, this would need to be created as a custom output via our bespoke services. Please note these services are subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreements of costs in line with our charging policy.  

Please contact for more information.