FOI ref: FOI/2022/4688

You asked

Please provide the number of babies born at the Bradford Royal Infirmary hospital in 1978.

We said

Thank you for your enquiry.

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide the exact requested information, as this constitutes personal information about a body corporate. Section 39 of the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 (SRSA) renders it a criminal offence to disclose personal information held by the Statistics Board (ONS) for statistical purposes that would identify an individual or a body corporate. As we are prohibited by law from publishing statistics in which individuals can be identified, Section 44(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) applies.

The most detailed geographies currently available that we can provide are in the following dataset, accessible via our NOMIS interactive webservice: Live births in England and Wales for small geographic area.

Another option is that we can create a custom dataset for you. Specific orders of custom tabulations are available from the Health Analysis and Pandemic Insight (HAPI) Customer Services team. User requested data sets are subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreements of costs. Such enquiries can be discussed with the team at the following email address:

Alternatively, NHS Digital may be better placed to answer your enquiry regarding the data of specific hospitals, as they are not bound by the same legislation that we are. Requests can be made to them via email at