FOI ref: FOI-2023-1079

You asked

Please provide the following for people residing in the UK only:


  • How many British born people are receiving "Universal Credit"
  • How many British born people are using the government funded "Aspen Card"
  • How many British born people are receiving "Job Seekers Allowance"
  • How many British born people are receiving "Child allowance"
  • How many British born men have got more than one wife and claiming "Any Benefit for more than one wife and families"
  • How many British born families are receiving "Child Allowance but the children live abroad"

Non-British born:

  • How many Non-British born people are receiving "Universal Credit"
  • How many Non-British born people are using the government funded "Aspen Card"
  • How many Non-British born people are receiving "Job Seekers Allowance"
  • How many Non-British born people are receiving "Child Allowance"
  • How many Non-British born men have got more than one wife and receiving "Any Benefit for more than one wife and families"
  • How many Non-British born families are receiving "Child Allowance but the children live abroad"

We said

Thank you for your query regarding benefits received by people born in the UK and not in the UK. 

Unfortunately, we do not hold the information requested. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) produce their own detailed statistics regarding the characteristics of benefit claimants. ONS does not have access to these detailed datasets used to produce those statistics. 

We would therefore suggest contacting DWP directly, as they may be better placed to assist. They can be contacted via email at