FOI reference: FOI-2023-1626

You asked

I see that someone requested information on the number of banks and bank employees in the UK in 2022 in the following publication: Number of bank employees in the UK

Is there more recent data on this from 2023?

We said

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request asking how many banks there were in the UK along with the corresponding number of UK employees. 

For information, ONS produce an annual publication called UK Business: Activity, size and location. This publication breaks down the number of UK Businesses (registered for VAT and/or PAYE)  by geography, employment size-band, industry and legal status. It is created using an extract of the Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR) taken on 10th March 2023. 

On that date there were 225 Banks with 356,110 employees on the IDBR.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact our IDBR data service team via