FOI reference: FOI-2024-1785

You asked

Please kindly provide statistics on:

  • How many arrests for breach of the peace have been made in each of the last 20 years, or however many years would be possible to provide data for without exceeding appropriate limits as to costs. 
  • (Is it possible for a breach of the peace incident to be recorded without it resulting in any arrest? If so, how?) 
  • Of these, how many have been booked into custody suites? 
  • And, how many have been brought before magistrates in relation to the breaches of the peace? 
  • Of these, if it is possible to disclose and would not exceed costs to do so, how many of those cases have resulted in actual binding over orders by the magistrates, or otherwise been affirmed as true breaches of the peace by the magistrates courts?

WE said

Thank you for contacting the ONS Centre for Crime and Justice. We do not hold the information you have requested.   

We publish crime data concerning crime as it is experienced by victims rather than the perpetrators, or as it is recorded by police. Unfortunately, we do not hold data or produce statistics regarding arrests for breach of the peace. 

The Home Office are responsible for publishing policing statistics, which includes arrest data tables. If you have any queries regarding these data, the Home Office can be contacted at   

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) are primarily responsible for data on prosecutions, convictions and sentencing outcomes by offence code from year ending June 2011 to the year ending June 2023 for England and Wales in their Outcomes by Offence data tool: June 2023 tables. Using this tool, you can filter by offence.  If you have any further questions on offence data, the Ministry of Justice may be able to help you further and can be contacted at