You asked

Please provide more detailed information relating to the annual consular management information (MI) data using real numbers (not >5 bands) for the last ten years (2007-2018) categorised by

  • Number of males age 0-17
  • Number of males 17-29
  • Number of males 30-54
  • Number of males 55-70
  • Number of males +70
  • Number of males (age not known)
  • Number of females age 0-17
  • Number of females 18-29
  • Number of females 30-54
  • Number of females 55-70
  • Number of females 70+
  • Number of females (age not known)
  • Number of people (sex not known) age 0-17
  • Number of people (sex not known)18-29
  • Number of people (sex not known) 30-54
  • Number of people (sex not known) 55-70
  • Number of people (sex not known) 70+
  • Number of people (sex not known) (age not known)

We said

Thank you for your enquiry.

Following a search of our records, I can confirm that we do not currently hold the information you have requested.

Annual consular MI data is published by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) and so they may be able to provide more information.

We are responsible for publishing mortality statistics only for deaths registered in England and Wales, using the information supplied on the death certificate. The most recent year for which mortality statistics are available is 2017. We do not hold information on injuries and illnesses.

Deaths of British travellers abroad must be registered according to the regulations in the country where the person died. These deaths are not necessarily registered with the UK authorities and are therefore not included in our statistics.

We may be able to create tabulations and extracts of deaths data for England and Wales as a bespoke analysis, if any are relevant to your enquiry. Any such analysis would be outside of the Freedom of Information regime and would be subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreement of costs where appropriate. If this is something you would be interested in, please contact so that we may discuss your enquiry further. For more information about the services we offer please visit our website.