You asked
Please provide the number of people employed as chefs in England and this number as a percentage of the working population. Please also provide statistics relating to alcohol and drug related deaths in this profession.
We said
Thank you for your enquiry.
Following a search of our records, I can confirm that we do not currently hold all the information you have requested.
For the number of people employed as chefs and in other occupations, you can access the labour market statistics which are available through the NOMIS system at
For deaths by specific occupations and causes, we may be able to create what you have requested, or something similar, as a bespoke analysis. Any such analysis would be outside of the Freedom of Information regime and would be subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreement of costs, where appropriate. If this is something you would be interested in, please contact so that we can discuss your enquiry further. For more information about the services we offer, please visit our website.