You asked

We need to have access to the English statistics on breast cancer age trends for the period from 23 March 2005 to 22 March 2011. We would appreciate it if you provide us with those data in question or guide us on how to receive them. We already appreciate your kind cooperation.

We said

Thank you for your query regarding breast cancer statistics.

ONS publish Cancer Incidence Statistics annually for each ICD cancer site, by age of patient (in 5 year age bands). These data can be found here for 2013 - 8. These data have been produced annually for a number of years and the catalogue can be found here.

Special extracts and tabulations of Cancer Incidence data for England are available to order (subject to legal frameworks, disclosure control, resources and agreements of costs, where appropriate). Such enquiries should be made to: We recommend that you contact the Cancer Analysis team directly in order to discuss your data requirements in more detail.

As this information is already available to you via this route ONS considers that S21(1) applies to this request and the information does not have to be supplied under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act. S21(1) is an absolute exemption and no consideration of the public interest test needs to be applied.