FOI REF: FOI-2023-1300

You asked

Please provide the social care budget broken down by each local authority. Please supply: 1. The amount of money each local government has allocated (or paid) to their local authority to fund adult social care. 2. The amount of money each local government spend on adults social care funding for the last 3 years - 20/21 21/22 and 22/23.

We said

Thank you for your request.  

Unfortunately, we do not hold information on adult social care funding nor expenditure at a local authority level.   

The following organisations may be better placed to assist. We have provided links to their reports below. Please note, differences in how information is categorised for each country prevent direct comparisons of these data.

We are not aware of any publicly available information on adult social care funding nor expenditure at a local authority level for Northern Ireland. Detailed statistics on social care funding and expenditure are publicly available for:   

England at: DLUHC: Local authority revenue expenditure and financing

Scotland at: Scottish Government: Local government finance statistics

Wales at: Stats Wales: Local government finance. Please note, these figures represent all social services.