You asked
I would like to request the data on trade in services with correspondent format and breakdown as in spreadsheet "9.Tidy Format" of the following: International trade in services by subnational areas of the UK.
We said
Thank you for your request for additional data related to subnational trade.
In order to provide the analysis you have requested, we would be required to create new analysis. Under the freedom of information Act 2000, we are not obligated to create new information. We therefore consider this to be information not held. Currently, we do not recommend comparing previous years with the latest dataset of 2018 due to changes in methodologies over these publications. As such, we do not have the required datasets for 2015 and 2016. We do have plans to create a consistent back series as part of our longer-term work programme for subnational trade and would expect this data to be available within 12-18 months once the preferred methodology is established and calendar years can be compared.