
UK productivity: Jan to Mar 2016

Rhyddhawyd: 8 Gorffennaf 2016 9:30am
Datganiad nesaf: 7 October 2016


Output per hour, output per job and output per worker for the UK economy by industry.


  • Labour productivity, UK: January to March 2016

    Output per hour, output per job and output per worker for the whole economy and a range of industries. Includes estimates of unit labour costs.

  • UK productivity introduction: Jan to Mar 2016

    Draws together the key findings from official statistics and analysis of UK productivity to present a summary of recent developments.

  • Quarterly public service productivity (experimental statistics): Jan to Mar 2016

    Introduces new experimental estimates for quarterly total public service productivity, inputs and output to provide a short-term, timely indicator of the future path of the annual productivity estimates. A previous publication ‘New nowcasting methods for more timely quarterly estimates of UK total public service productivity’ gives information on the methodology and data sources behind the new quarterly estimates.


Manylion cyswllt


Ciaren Taylor




(+44) 01633 455619

Newidiadau i ddyddiad y datganiad hwn

  1. Dyddiad blaenorol

    1 Gorffennaf 2016 9:30am

    Rheswm dros newid

    Release date changed to align with revised publishing schedule

  2. Dyddiad blaenorol

    8 Gorffennaf 2016 9:30am

    Rheswm dros newid

    Release date changed to align with revised publishing schedule

Pre-release access list

The phrase 'Pre-release Access' refers to the practice whereby official statistics in their final form, and any accompanying written commentary, are made available to an eligible person in advance of their publication. The rules and principles which govern pre-release access are featured within the Pre-release Access to Official Statistics Order 2008.

Besides ONS staff, the following persons are given pre-release access by the period indicated before release.

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