Roma populations by national identity in England and Wales: Census 2021
Roma populations by national identity, with age, sex and main language breakdowns across different geographical areas.
Roma populations by country of birth in England and Wales: Census 2021
Roma populations by country of birth, with age, sex and main language breakdowns across different geographical areas.
Roma populations by age and sex in England and Wales: Census 2021
Roma populations by age and sex across different geographical areas.
Roma populations by health, disability and unpaid care in England and Wales: Census 2021
Roma populations by health, disability and unpaid care status, with age, sex, main language and English language proficiency breakdowns across different geographical areas.
Roma populations by education in England and Wales: Census 2021
Roma populations by highest level qualification, with age, sex, main language and English language proficiency breakdowns across different geographical areas.
Roma populations by main language in England and Wales: Census 2021
Roma populations by main language and English language proficiency, with age and sex breakdowns across different geographical areas.
Roma populations by labour market breakdowns in England and Wales: Census 2021
Roma populations by economic status and occupation, with age, sex, main language and English language proficiency breakdowns across different geographical areas.
Roma populations by housing in England and Wales: Census 2021
Roma populations by bedroom occupancy rating, tenure and households of multiple occupancy, with age, sex and main language breakdowns across different geographical areas.